Peri to Post Menopause 1:1 Fitness Training

Post Natal Classes


“Emma is an experienced, capable and encouraging trainer. I hadn’t exerciesed for nearly 30 years and hated the thought of it. Emma is fantastic – she makes the session enjoyable as well as pushing you to your limit. I never thought I’d say it but I actually miss the sessions when I don’t have one!” Ali

The peri to post menopause is a major phase in a women’s life. As with pregnancy, some women will sail through it with very few symptoms whilst other have a terrible time with both physical symptoms and changes in mental wellbeing.

The average age for a woman to reach the menopause in the UK is 51 years. The peri menopause (the period running up to the menopause) can go on for up to 10 years, but on average lasts for four years.

Did you know there are 34 different symptoms associated with the menopause? Some of the more common symptoms include:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Palpitations
  • Anxiety and low mood
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Headaches
  • Reduced muscle and bone mass
  • Joint stiffness

Benefits Of Peri to Post Menopause Fitness Training

With this rather daunting list, it is no wonder that a lot of women approach the menopause with trepidation, even fear. However, the good news is, there is a lot we can do to help ourselves feel better which include:

  • The right kind of exercise – strength and HIIT
  • Good nutrition
  • Changes in lifestyle ie. reducing stress and taking regular rest
  • Yoga and meditation

When working with peri to post menopausal women I will discuss lifestyle and diet and make suggestions where appropriate. The exercise programmes I design, focus primarily on strength exercises and some HITT to build muscle and raise the levels of Human Growth Hormone produced in the body. In turn, raising energy levels, improving body composition, muscle and bone strength, helping to keep you fit, strong and vibrant through the peri menopause to menopause and beyond!

Find out more about Peri to Post Menopause 1:1 Fitness Training

What seems impossible today will one day become your warm-up.

Peri to Post Menopause 1:1 Fitness Training.