Cambridge Urban Fitness.

Emma is a mother of two and has a passion for exercise, health and wellbeing. The majority of lifestyles today are much more sedentary than our ancestors which is leading to all sorts of health problems. Emma believes that regular movement is critical for a healthy life and is dedicated to helping clients improve their fitness and finds it incredibly rewarding when they experience the benefits as a result.

Exercise not only helps us to look good, but it also makes us feel good by reducing stress and anxiety whilst improving energy levels, cognitive function and concentration.

Emma is a fully qualified and insured Level 3 Personal Trainer with a diploma in nutrition and a qualification to teach pre and post natal exercise. Emma’s approach is more Mrs Motivator than Sargent Major.

Emma Tytherleigh - Cambridge Urban Fitness

What seems impossible today will one day become your warm-up.

1:1 Personal Training

1:1 Personal Training

Emma helps client by motivating and encouraging them to push themselves to work as hard as they can to meet their goals. After conducting an initial consultation to gain an understanding of the individual’s current fitness level, diet and lifestyle they work together to achieve goals which may include:

  • An increase in cardiovascular fitness
  • An increase in energy levels
  • Weight loss and toning up
  • An increase in strength

Emma will help achieve your goals with a variety of exercises including bodyweight, free weights, resistance bands, swiss ball and kettle bells all of which improve strength, fitness and increase your basal metabolic rate. To improve cardiovascular fitness, sessions will include walking/ running, stepping, skipping and boxing (depending on what individuals enjoy the most).

For weight management, advice on healthy eating will be offered in addition to cardiovascular and strength training.



“Emma makes it so easy to work hard, she is so friendly and passionate about exercise, and she makes me feel completely relaxed. Since I started training with her I am stronger, more flexible and far less stressed. I can’t get enough of the sessions!” Emma


“Emma knows exactly what level to pitch my training to, she never pushes me too hard but I feel fitter since I have started training with her, even though it is only once a week.” Ken

If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

Strong & Lean Fitness Classes

The classes predominantly focus on strength and conditioning with a little cardio incorporated. There are many benefits to strength training including:

  • Stronger muscles, tendons and ligaments

  • Stronger bones (increased bone density)
  • Improved joint stability
  • Improved body composition ie. more muscle and less fat
  • Improved neuromuscular connections
  • Improved posture
Strong & Lean Fitness Classes

The classes use a number of exercises to work all the major muscle groups.

Exercises vary from week to week and there are adaptions available for each exercise to enable participants to work within their own fitness/ strength ability.

Participants benefit from the fun of working in a group environment whilst receiving individual assistance with posture and technique.

Traditionally women have been wary of strength training for fear of becoming too muscley. The good news is that biologically it is very difficult for a woman to build big bulging muscles. However, by gaining a little extra muscle mass your basal metabolic rate increases ie. the amount of energy required by the body just to function before we move.

“I’ve been amazed by the change in my body since I started doing the classes. I feel fitter, leaner and tougher and the sense of achievement at mastering press ups and planks is incredible.” Kate

“Emma’s classes are perfect for a short, sharp energy boost and body blast. I always come away feeling energised and achy – in a good way. Her calm, fun and supportive style makes you feel safe but also pushes you just a little bit more than you thought you were able. I couldn’t recommend her more highly.” Rebecca

One of the greatest moments in life is realising that two weeks ago your body couldn’t do what it just did.

Post Natal Classes

“I have attended Emma’s post natal classes and found them to be a great way to start rebuilding strength and fitness again after giving birth. Emma is thorough and attentive and takes time to ensure she fully understands individuals needs and goals. She also goes the extra mile, offering advice on food and nutrition (even sharing some excellent recipes for sugar free flapjacks!)

In looking for a post natal class, I wanted something that I could take my baby along too and that was in doors so I would not need to worry about him being too hot/cold/in the sun too much etc and where he could meet other babies. These classes were perfect for that.” Olivia

Post Natal Classes

Post natal classes are suitable for women with a wide range of fitness levels post the 6-8 week health check or 12 weeks after a caesarean section delivery. The classes start very gently and progress throughout the course of six lessons.

Weight gain during pregnancy is natural as our hormones send signals to the body that it needs to store additional fat to prepare for breast feeding once the baby is born. A breastfeeding mother can need up to an additional 650 calories a day.

Many women are understandably very keen to regain their pre-baby figure as quickly as possible after birth. This process takes time as your body has performed an incredible task – growing and delivering a baby. The core and pelvic floor in particular are put under a lot of stress during pregnancy and birth so it is important to strengthen these areas before undertaking more vigorous exercise.

It can be difficult to find time to exercise once the baby arrives and therefore the classes include babies too.

A course of six classes run each half term from 11:15am-12:15pm at Hills Road Sports & Tennis Centre. There is also the option of going for a coffee/ early lunch after classes for those who fancy a chat. Classes are limited to eight mums and their babies.

Classes will focus on strengthening the core and pelvic floor as well as gentle strength work for the other major muscle groups. Benefits of post-natal exercise include:

  • Improved posture
  • Increased energy
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Increased muscular endurance
  • Increased metabolic rate
  • Increased metabolic rate

Strive for progress not perfection.

Small Group Training

  • For groups of between 2-4 people, preferably of similar fitness levels
  • An ideal solution for people who find it helpful/ motivating to have more individual attention but also enjoy working with others and having additional accountability partners
  • Sessions can be run in any location, including parks, boardroom, classrooms and individual homes
Small Group Training

Let exercise be your stress reliever not food.



There is a saying “you can’t out exercise a bad diet”. To feel at our best, as well as exercising regularly we must fuel our bodies with nutritious food in the form of a balanced diet. If we liken our body to a car – a car filled with sub standard fuel which is regularly run on empty will soon start to develop problems and not perform as well. The same applies to the body.

Emma is not a fan of restrictive diets on the whole (there are times when they are appropriate) as she believes they can take the joy out of eating. Instead, she advises clients to adopt the 80:20 rule whereby 80% of the time they nourish their bodies with good quality protein, complex carbohydrates, a range of fruit and vegetables and good fats ie. Omega 3 and 20% of the time they have less nourishing food ie. a packet of crisps, chocolate bar, couple of glasses of wine etc.

Get in touch today

You don’t have to be great to start.

But you DO have to start to be great.

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  • 07899 808676
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